By October 10th, broadband providers with 100,000 subscribers or fewer must create and display “nutrition labels” for their broadband service offerings. By the same date, broadband providers of all sizes must make their labels “machine-readable” and available in online customer portals. For more information, please consult ACA Connects’ Webinar. Feel free to contact Brian Hurley with questions at [email protected].


We are the premier association delivering high-impact advocacy for independent broadband, video and communications providers.

ACA Connects is the voice of small and medium-sized broadband operators – on Capitol Hill, at the FCC, at other Federal agencies, and in the Courts. We deliver high-impact advocacy that ensures our Members are treated fairly in the marketplace and in Washington, so that small and medium-sized independent operators may continue to thrive and deliver affordable video, broadband, and phone services to their customers.

It is important for ACA Connects members to be active advocates. The grassroots toolkit is designed to educate, inform and equip our members with the necessary tools to be effective advocates.

The PAC enables our industry to support policymakers who share our views and educates those less aware about the legislative and regulatory issues that are unique to our companies.