Join ACA Connects

We are the premier association delivering high-impact advocacy for independent broadband, video and communications providers. Our primary goal is to ensure our members are treated fairly in the marketplace and in Washington, so that small and medium-sized independent operators may continue to thrive and deliver affordable broadband, phone, and video services to their customers!

From Left: Armstrong President Jeff Ross; Shentel EVP & COO Ed McKay; Vexus Fiber President & CEO Jim Gleason; U.S. Senator Shelley Moore Capito; and ACA Connects President & CEO Grant Spellmeyer
Let Your Voice Be Heard

When you join ACA Connects, you will have access to our high-quality educational resources. Our team frequently hosts informative webinars on a multitude of topics, participates as speakers and panelists at various industry events, and offers guidelines, toolkits and checklists for filing requirements and other telecommunication initiatives.

Benefits of Joining

Advocacy that Makes a Difference

  • Provide your voice on advocacy, issues and representation in Washington, D.C. and in our industry.
  • Connect ACA Connects Members with thought leaders.

Connect and Communicate

  • Build relationships through ACA PAC.
  • Aid in connecting you to Congress through our Grassroots toolkit.
  • Communicate ACA Connects Members’ good news using a variety of media outlets.
  • Help establish bonds between ACA Connects Members and our Associate Member Program vendors.

Top-Notch Education

  • ACA Connects Members have access to many educational resources throughout the year.
  • Stay connected with industry news, issues, and trends with the Daily Media Sweep and the bi-monthly Action Brief.

Member Testimonials

Interested in Joining?

To inquire about joining as an ACA Connects Member, contact ACA Connects EVP and COO John Higginbotham at [email protected].

Aca connects' achievements

Each year, ACA Connects is active in advocating for laws, rules, and policies that benefit its Members, and we continue to be successful in achieving our goals in a variety of proceedings—on Capitol Hill, at the FCC and other Federal agencies, and in the courts.

Join ACA Connects