January 17, 2025

ACA Connects Congratulates Robin Colwell 

January 17, 2025—ACA Connects President and CEO Grant Spellmeyer released the following statement after President-elect Donald Trump announced Robin Colwell will serve as Deputy Assistant to the President for Economic Policy and Deputy Director of the National Economic Council (NEC). 

“Robin Colwell is a fantastic choice by President-elect Trump to serve in this crucial economic role. She has a deep background in communications and technology dating back to her service in Congress and at the FCC.

“Congratulations, Robin! ACA Connects looks forward to working with you in this new capacity.”

About ACA Connects: America’s Communications Association –America’s Communications Association – ACA Connects is a trade organization representing more than 500 smaller and medium-sized, independent companies that provide broadband, video, and phone services covering 29.5 million households. ACA Connects Members operate in every state, providing advanced communications to connect homes, companies, main street, schools, hospitals and more. America’s economic prosperity in smaller communities and rural areas depends on the growth and success of ACA Connects Members, who believe a connected nation is a prosperous nation.

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Director of Digital and Social Media
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Olivia Shields
Vice President of Public Affairs and Communications