June 28, 2024—ACA Connects President and CEO Grant Spellmeyer released the following statement regarding the Supreme Court’s opinion in Loper Bright Enterprises v. Raimondo and Relentless, Inc. v. Department of Commerce.
“The Supreme Court’s opinion brings the administrative state into harmony with the U.S. Constitution. Federal agencies can no longer treat statutes as mere ’starting points’ for the adoption of policies that align with their own whims and political preferences. Rather, they must follow Congress’s commands to the letter. Dubious or extreme interpretations of Federal law – such as those adopted by the Federal Communications Commission in the Digital Discrimination and Open Internet orders – that might have received deference in the past will now get the scrutiny they deserve.
“This is a gamechanger for smaller players such as ACA Connects Member companies, who depend on regulatory actions that comply with the statute to provide the certainty and stability to justify long-term investment in their businesses. For too long, they have been subject to wild fluctuations in the regulatory environment that further political ends regardless of the law. This decision puts legislative power back where it belongs: in the hands of Congress. We look forward to working with Congress to address the pressing challenges our Members and their communities face, and to working with the FCC and other Federal agencies to implement the laws that Congress enacts.”