Call For National, Not State, Framework For An Open Internet
For Immediate Release
Contact: Ted Hearn
(202) 713-0826
[email protected]
PITTSBURGH, October 18, 2018 – The American Cable Association, CTIA, USTelecom, and NCTA – representing America’s broadband providers – have today filed a joint lawsuit in federal court challenging the State of Vermont’s Internet Bill (S. 289) and Executive Order No. 2-18.
The following statement is for attribution to ACA, CTIA, USTelecom, and NCTA:
“Broadband providers are united in support of an open Internet and committed to delivering the content and services consumers demand. We oppose the actions in Vermont because states cannot use their spending and procurement authority to bypass federal laws they do not like. A 50-state patchwork approach threatens service for customers, hampers innovation and dampens investment in local communities, which is why Congress should adopt a permanent, enforceable, national framework to safeguard an open Internet for all Americans.”
About the American Cable Association: Based in Pittsburgh, the American Cable Association is a trade organization representing more than 700 smaller and medium-sized, independent companies that provide broadband, phone and video services to nearly 8 million customers primarily located in rural and smaller suburban markets across America. Through active participation in the regulatory and legislative process in Washington, D.C., ACA’s members work together to advance the interests of their customers and ensure the future competitiveness and viability of their business. For more information, visit: