By October 10th, broadband providers with 100,000 subscribers or fewer must create and display “nutrition labels” for their broadband service offerings. By the same date, broadband providers of all sizes must make their labels “machine-readable” and available in online customer portals. For more information, please consult ACA Connects’ Webinar. Feel free to contact Brian Hurley with questions at [email protected].


You work with us every day and talk via phone, Zoom and email, but what do you really know about your ACA Connects Team?

Here’s the chance to meet us “close up.”  Each Tuesday and Thursday, we’ll post a new ACACloseup video in our Daily Media Sweep and on social media, giving you insight into the background, experience, favorite teams and fun things about your ACA Connects Team Members.  We had fun doing these videos for you, and we’re glad to tell you more about us!