By October 10th, broadband providers with 100,000 subscribers or fewer must create and display “nutrition labels” for their broadband service offerings. By the same date, broadband providers of all sizes must make their labels “machine-readable” and available in online customer portals. For more information, please consult ACA Connects’ Webinar. Feel free to contact Brian Hurley with questions at [email protected].

March 17, 2022

On the Road with ACACommunities – LUS Fiber

In this new ACACommunities video, ACA Connects visits with LUS fiber in Lafayette, La., a municipal provider that is embracing shift technological change to demonstrate its relevance and importance to a community that underwent so much disruption in the past two years under the pandemic.

“We plan to be a beacon of innovation. We plan to bridge the digital divide. If you need to work remote, it’s easy to do so because you have the access you need throughout the community,” says LUS fiber director Ryan Meche.

When Covid-19 hit Lafayette, 10,000 students in the Lafayette Parish School system didn’t have Internet access at all.

“We provided low-cost Internet to all of them — up to 25 megs with a router. We helped serve the community not through federal funds, just through us being a community broadband provider. It was important for us and that’s what we did for the past year. Covid showed the need for quality broadband.”

Chad Governale, who heads Contracts, Rates and Regulatory Affairs for LUS fiber, notes that consumers have shifted away from landline phone and traditional video in favor of world-class Internet access.

“We’ve adjusted in turn to those demands by providing more robust Internet services,” Governale says. “One Gig service is a pretty common standard, but we also have the ability to do a customized 10 Gig package.”

To discover more about LUS fiber, enjoy the video!